So I decided awhile back that I want a ton of kids
not that I'm like '' oh yay kids'' that I love them, but I dunno anyway I want a big family. I love having a big family now and I want my kids to have the same opportunity to enjoy family as I do :)
This isn't for everyone its more for my own family.
So if My Sisters & My Brother are reading this;
(Nicole, Rachel, Michelle, Yolanda, Shonda & Ray)
I really appreciate that we're all a Family.
I hope that this coming year we can be closer..
I miss everyone there but I'm pretty well adjusted to being far away..
I just hope you all know how much you mean to me and yeah ok this might seem kinda cheesy but its true
I really enjoy us all being family and I hope sometime soon we can all be together again and see each-other again. I enjoy your company when your around or when I'm around you.
I know I'm the youngest but I hope that even though I am, that this means something to you as it does to me.. I've Recently learned that Family Is what matters in life, and It's something some people don't have. We should value each other.
I just want you to know that I really do love you all and care about you more than I thought was possible...
I know I don't know some of you as well as I do like Michelle and stuff, but I hope that will change and that we can become a closer family.
in the past Few months I've Learned that enjoying someone and seein' their strong qualities and good qualities instead of mistakes they make and/or have made, makes you a stronger person yourself and a more optimistic person. I've also learned that when something would usually offend me or usually tick me off, I can choose to take offence from it or not. I learned that if I let things slide and choose not to let things offend me life is a lot less dramatic and stressful.
Thanks for (even though sometimes I probably tick you off) always being there for me if I ever need you.
I know I'm Still young and I'm Still learning but I hope I can learn things from you (like spelling lol)....... (and math) and that I can help you the way you have helped me now and in the past. even if its just being a Sister or a Brother to me.
Love Elisabeth