Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Plans

So My plans this year for Christmas, well on the 19th evening or 20th early.. EARLY morning with a dutch breakfast (LOL!) i'll be with my parents celebrating christmas Early, then i go back to work that coming monday for 2 days then i go home the evening of the 2e day and then i go to scotland WAY EARLY the next morning! yeah.. FUN :D  im pretty excited! .. i just am kinda bummed i don't really have as many presents for my parents as i did like last year.. :( but hey hopefully they'll like it :)
anyway Scotland at Christmas time, im kinda wondering what its like :D im so excited! i cant wait to see Christina Either man.. good times :D, i cant believe its been 2 YEARS exactly by then!! haha like really EXACTLY lol!!
great stuff... 
well anyway i'll write if there's anything new!


love lizzie

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sometimes Days like these....

Sometimes Days like these Just.... suck.

Where Every Memory or Feeling you've ever had comes flooding back for no reason at all.
Makes you the same kind of homesick you've just gotten over..
The kind of feeling that you almost suffocate from because your aching for comfort.. and when you think of the things or people that would comfort you, they are the things and the people you miss the most. They are part of those memories...making you hurt even more..wanting everything you didn't have. Then scolding yourself because in Reality your actually very fortunate and many people would have never had these sorts opportunities, as i have. That's when you gotta start thinking of all the blessings you have, the friends you have made and the memories you have created and are Creating, later in life you'll be craving those all the same..
this all comes down to change.
which is a good thing... but can hurt like nothing else. yet its the thing i crave the most, and also brings Pain with the good, something that you never truly can overcome...
This also comes down to keeping yourself busy and putting your focus on the things that really matter. helping your family, friends and people you love with actual help or even just being there for  them... which in the end makes you feel better all the same.. its true laughter is the best medicine..

change is good. you just need to see the best in it make the best of it. I wish I could have seen that when I was younger I would have spent more time making more memories than craving change or dwelling on the hurt. Change will come when its time to come. So Until then enjoy it because every moment you have & minute that goes by, you can't get back. Sure there'll be bad days and days when you feel like you just shattered, when you feel the band-aid on your heart has just been ripped off full force by some macho Sumo Wrestler...basically you'll feel dead...

but if having that feeling once in a while (taking in the bad with the good) Makes you see your blessings and Enjoy what you have then its worth it..dwell on the good rather than the bad. if you don't you just make life hard. Count Your Many Blessings.. i always hated that song ( no offense song writer) but i actually understand the meaning of that now.. more than i ever did..

I'm so thankful for the life I've had. 
The Things I've learned
The Person who I've Become and who I'm Trying to be.
The Blessings i've Recieved, even if I don't think I deserve them
I'm Thankful for all the people who have been in my life and who are still in my life.
Mainly my Family and My Closest Friends. Syd, Elvira..
you have no idea how much the good times we had/have gets me through tough times.
If I didn't have you to lean on, i don't know what i would be doing..
I'm also thankful for my friends that I've grown apart from.. that helped shape me, ..sure it hurts that it's happened but it just makes me value the times we had even more. but there is a reason why you didn't make it to my future. But thank you for being there for me when you were know i still care about you..

So rather than focusing on the bad in this Entry like i have continually in the past, I'm Determined to see the good from now on. there's no point in hurting even if you have a reason. sure being sad for a little while is ok its healthy it makes you see clearer when things get better. it makes you realize the blessings you have. but don't Sit there and Dwell on it. Make the Best Memories you can!

So Basically .. 

* Everything In Life Changes You In Someway. Even The Smallest Things
If You Do Not Accept These Changes, You Do Not Accept Yourself.
For Through These Changes Brings New & Greater Things To You.
Making You Wiser As Time Progresses.To Avoid These Changes Is A Loss.
You Only Live Life Once. 
Do Not Waste A Minute Of It Avoiding Things let Them Come To You And Learn From Them.
There Is Always Tomorrow. *

Life is Great.

--Love Lizzie

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The NutCracker

ok so Monday i went with wisse ( i forgot to tell you all about this!) i went with wisse's class to go see the dress rehearsal of the Nutcracker OH MY GOSH. it was amazing! seriously i was totally in awe, no joke.

im so amazed by the music and by the dancers that they are capable of doing that! they have such talent.. i could have totally just sat there and watched and listened to it forever.. 

'' List of things I want to do before I die # 2''

-- Serve a Mission
-- Learn how to skate board because its just awesome
-- Learn how to play Soccer, because lately it looks really fun
-- Go see a Ballet play thingy again.
-- Join the Military.. ( still thinking about this one)
-- Learn to dance different types of dances :D

ok yeah i probably have some of these on my last list but who cares lol...

anyway i still need to go see the twilight movie! mom pop and i are goin probably not this weekend but next. :) im pretty excited about it :D

ok anyway im gonna go shower :D 

love lizzie :D

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

& Such

Ok so a couple of nights ago we Celebrated Sinterklaas here. I'm not gonna explain what that is because the people who might be reading this already know lol, Anyway it was way fun! ''Sinterklaas'' got me a phone holder thingy that can hook on my belt loop LOL Because I'm a klutz lol.   No for real.   And I got a book and a Family Planner so I can keep track of everything this coming year, Two Candle holders with battery light up candles :D ''Pretty awesome you say?''  yes.  yes it is :) I'm Glad that Heleen & Arjen & the kids liked their presents ''Sinterklaas'' Gave them :) lol, yeah the youngest is learning to read now, so i can't be to careful. (haha im not even sure if i said that right) 

This week onto Next week Heleen and Arjen are going to Chicago to visit her brother which means the kids & I are gonna be together all weekend MUAHHAHAHA! jk lol I'm pretty happy lately they've all been really really good so its fun to play games and just hang out with them :) This coming Monday I'm Havin the Elder and Sister Missionaries from Amsterdam (4 elders 4 sisters) come and eat here. hahahaha NO IDEA what im gonna cook... its probably gonna be some spaghetti or what not lol.. i just hope it wont burn lol. thats all im goin for lol. 

Sunday the whole day basically after church i Went with Sister Warren and Sister Copenga to do some missionary stuff it was fun :) freeezzzing but fun. :), 

There was this one lady. wow she was kinda .. Crazy lol. We were  tractin' or whatever its called and she opened the door she was like '' not interested I believe in myself'' bla bla bla, anywho, then she like slammed the door shut but the next door was like half a foot away (as they sometimes are here) and i guess she thought we were still standing in front of her door for the jolly fun of it lol because she opened back up the door and like screamed ok not screamed Raised her OH WAIT!! LOL LOL!!!  when she was locking her door again LOL!! she was like singing this song just with some made up tune bein like '' I believe in myself, only myself,myself, myself, i believe in .. etc)lol it reminded me of Kronk in the Emperors new groove and how Kuzgo was like '' oh great he's got his own theme song'' lol yeah but it was pretty funny.... THEN back to my thing, she raised her voice to us and was like '' I believe in myself!! and then she attempted to shut the door again when she was like ''I trust no one! '' Rot op!'' which i dont know how to translate that in english but it means like back off or go away...lol then she closed the door only to open it again to say '' there is no god! why do i only have two years to left to live? '' but honestly you can tell she was totally makin it up because of the constant opening and closing of the door is a beg for attention it was insane seriously im a gullible person and even i could tell she was totally not bein truthful with that statement. then when she slammed  the door for the last time she like hit it hard from the inside lol it made sister warren and i jump lol. and poor sister warren she's only been here for a week and a half and doesn't really understand dutch LOL FREAKY seriously that woman was crazy, anyways, then we rang her doorbell again, and Ran off.

 .. lol ok no we didn't but it did come across my mind lol.. ..no, we had an answer to her question but  then we walked further when she wasn't answerin and we saw her ''escaping'' out her back door onto her bike.. muttering some dumb thing the minute she noticed us lol.  ODD
SOooooo I found this Place that gives SWING DANCE LESSONS! I am SO excited! I'm soo gonna do it! The new thing starts on the 7th of January :D Every Wednesday Night from 7- 8, its only like 10 minutes by bike from where i live :) insanely awesome or what?! im pretty darn excited! you know how cool swing dancing is??!!

 --just about as cool as ninja's. 

  In A couple weeks im Heading out to Scotland to visit Christina :D YAY! haven't seen her for  2 years exactly by then! haha weird!, and i thought it was freezin here! she said its even colder there...

in two weeks im goin to mom and pops and were gonna celebrate christmas thingy a little bit earlier because of me goin to scotland.. haven't seen mom and pop for about a month wow.

MAN IT IS MIGHTY COLD  no joke i am freezing. but my new coat is awesome :D
anywhooo.. in whosville..you's ville, do what?..... Remind me of the babe, i saw my baby cryin hard as babe could cry,... ok yeah no idea how that came about. But seriously thats EXACTLY how it went in my head when i said anywho.. just lettin ya have a little insight lol. ODD.
           ok yeah i dont really have much to say.. except that things have been pretty busy just workin and such, church is goin great im kinda gettin to know the ward here made some friends, gonna talk with the bishop soon at least he said something like that sunday but it was kinda noisy lol... and i have to clean up my room.. wow.. mess. 
           ok yeah im gonna go before you all get bored from reading my blog HAHA unless ur like that already haha :P
goodnight :)


Thursday, December 4, 2008


So i ran about 3 maybe 4 miles yesterday. ok not the whole way but like more than half of that so probably about 2 1/2 miles i ran of that maybe 3 i was pretty surprised i could LOL, its crazy! i guess the bike has done me some good :) anyway im gonna go running every other day, the whole having breath doesn't seem a problem for me only the pain in my shins lol. but thats ok i gotta just get past that and i could probably keep it up the whole way :D im pretty excited about it :)
anyway im going to scotland in a couple weeks! YAY! im pretty happy to see Christina again its been like 2 years exactly almost when i will see her, since i saw her :) Crazy :)
OH AND the Twilight MOVIE is out here in the Netherlands TODAY  :D awesomeness. :) im gonna go see if the tickets are sold out.. probably are dang it. oh well i got time :) anywho, im gonna go get some gifts for my bosses and the kids and people :) 
(londa, when are u gonna make another blog?)