Sunday, June 28, 2009

This one Manly Ad i Saw

LOL ok i was laughing at this lol! but it is pretty true i just think its hilarious they have to write it down for some men to KNOW how to be a man LOL.. just thought i'd share:

Masculine Man Hypnosis Script

Manly Man - Reclaim Your Masculinity
It used to be easy to be a man. Masculinity was seen as a force for good; a man could express his manliness in occupations that only men could do. But the climate has changed. As the roles between men and women have merged it's harder to know what being a man is supposed to be. People talk about the 'feminization' of society. Even men's magazines are becoming more like womens' - selling cosmetic products for men and focusing on appearance over all else. The 'new man' is supposed to be sensitive, caring and nurturing, all attributes traditionally associated with being a woman. Yet on average males have much higher levels of testosterone making us more naturally suited to risk taking, competitiveness, physical activity and action. To deny masculine traits is to deny nature.Women like manly men Many woman talk about the merits of the 'nice guy' but are really more attracted to a man who displays traits traditionally associated with being a manly man. Traits such as assertiveness, confidence, energy, incisiveness, determination, strength of mind and body, stamina, nobility, self sacrifice and leadership. Where in your life do you feel like a man?

This session celebrates what it means to be a man; to be strong and self controlled and decent. It will unashamedly encourage the real man in you to come forth.

Modern day wimps Modern life has in many ways produced millions of wimps. Men who whine but don't act, who are pushed around and who accept second best. To be a manly man doesn't have to mean driving a tractor, getting into fights or working with your hands but the qualities of manliness can be manifested and channeled in any direction. To be a real man means being confident enough to take defeat on the chin and not pass the buck of blame unfairly. It means having grace under fire, being dignified, having pride but not boastfulness, knowing how to treat women well and with respect but not allowing yourself to be manipulated or pushed around. Real men can take calculated risks, push fear aside sometimes and be dutiful and chivalrous. Manliness is not chronological Being a man isn't about how many years you've clocked (there are millions of thirty year old boys around), it's not about how square your jaw is or broad your shoulders. You can have real inner manly qualities and be proud of your manhood in any profession or occupation. Conducting yourself like a real man feels right and you'll be respected for it. You can relax to this session every time you feel like giving your masculinity levels need a boost. There is a lot to be proud about in being a man and don't let anyone tell you any different.

Download Manly Man - Reclaim your Masculinity now and reclaim your birthright.
Your 100% 90-Day Money-Back download now - there's NO RISK to you.
Masculine Man only
Masculine Man+No More Mr Nice Guy

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Wow, something happened and I'm sure this is my turning point, i dunno it just all of a sudden hit me like a rock in the FACE. I want to be Fit and its now or never :) i dont think i've ever been this motivated about something like this, anyway so, I decided I'm not going to look at my Progress Negatively because its still progress no matter how slow it goes. i already worked up to running the mile again haha.. i really want to work up to 5 miles after each other :) THAT would be way fun oh and good news my legs didn't about kill me this time, Michelle's right  the Red track is way better for running that cement. Anyway Thijs wants to run with me tonight haha its so cute, he can run a half a mile with me and then cuz he's so little he takes a break and lets me run the other two :) so if i do that tonight with him again that will mean i've ran two today.. not after each other but still its pretty good for the weight loss becoming fit thing anyway im gonna go shower and get ready to go with the sisters :D

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

change of plans

k so it turns out going to costa rica isn't gonna work out. which sucks. so im gonna save to go visit utah or something instead or take a rain check on the 10 days or whatever. or save up and get a car. anyway im not so much in the mood to write anything. so..

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Fed up lol.

Thats it. I dont care anymore. I will go running, I dont even care if my legs will be in agony afterwards.  I miss running so im gonna do it. again. I want to be healthy so..
anyway just thought i'd let you know im fed up with my leg pain whatever and im just gonna do what I want to do regardless.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dont know how to title this..

So my MRI results came back, or ok they didn't because there was nothing wrong, they didn't find anything, and so the neurologist called me and told me everything was completely normal, and that now we just need to wait... i was like.. foooorrr.... what? and he didn't have an answer so he said '' i'll uh.. write a letter to your doctor'' .. yeah, oh well i can handle the pain in my leg so its not a big deal besides it does go away sometimes. like right now i dont feel anything wrong with my leg of course i just woke up.

anyway i just thought i'd let ya know..
im gonna go get dressed and ready.
