Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thats it! I've had ENOUGH!

OK i have had enough about not being able to do things!!
I'm Tired of Feeling inadequate to everything!!!
that's it.

I'm gonna study hard, 
learn everything even if i have to learn from 8Th grade again
I will pass my GED test, SAT test and ACT tests.(if i can take the SAT's and ACT's... dunno i have to check that out)

and then i WILL get into BYU.
that's it. 
Failure is not an option.
I've Had Enough of feeling under Educated, Unintelligent, and just plain not good enough.
so I'm gonna teach myself, and get into a Real college
none of this Beroeps Opleiding crap
i want to do this. i have to do this.
not doing it is not an option anymore.

Wish me luck!!!


Anonymous said...


I wish you all the luck of the world.
I know how you feel i've got the same thing, i know you can do it!

Much love,

Unknown said...


Do you really need luck?
You will be able to do this, because you are briliant, and if that doesn't sufice, you always have your charme ;).