Friday, May 29, 2009

Waiting for my MRI results..and just stuff

still 29 minutes till the doctor should call me.. I'm more curious than anything else..with an edge of nervousness, im sure nothings wrong though. even if there is its probably not that bad...
anyway Wisse is hope from school today he hit his head on a pole in gym yesterday and still has a massive headache, and im gonna pack to go to Den Bosch tonight. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon because of the Wijk BBQ, and because OH i forgot to say something about this, i got another callin in church, im now called in the Nursery.. ( as if im not around kids enough LOL.. ) nah toddlers and such are really cute so i don't mind :) anyway i'll post up what the doctor says after he calls..

1 comment:

Charlene Verdegem said...

Hey, when will you be in America? I'm going there in July! FINALLY!