Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Good news :D

So yesterday around 5:30 p.m. my sister gets a call on her phone, turns out it's actually for me, and it's the man who gave the GED and he told me he was calling to let me know the results of my GED test, he said he has the pleasure of telling me that i have passed GED TEST!!! :D

I was SOOO excited! i got off the phone and i was Crying! I've been waiting for this for years! i can't believe i actually got it! this opens so many windows for me! i can study what i want to study now there are so many things i can do now, now that i have it!

I'm so excited :D

I'm so happy I could get my GED even last minute! the tests and everything! I couldn't have even done anything without the help of Cathy Butler and Matt Davis. seriously, they are two amazing people! I'm so grateful for them! I got to give them a call today and let them know :D And of course Londa helping me with my Math :).

ANyway so today is my actual Real last day in the States. I fly back out tomorrow.
It's been fun out here i've enjoyed it. it's definitely been worth it :D
it'll also be nice to be back and have a fresh start in everything with the New year and all :D I'm excited to start work again and see the Family I work for :)

I hope you all have a Happy NEw YEAr!!

Love lizzie :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LIZZY CONGRATS!!!!!! i'm so proud of you:) that couldn't have been easy! you inspire me did you know that! you had a goal and u reached it way to go:) I can't wait till i get to see you next... by that time you will probably be some big buisness woman wit a suit and tons of money! maybe we could go shopping haha!!! well tell me how it is at home i still have ur Christmas so whenever u tell me ur home i'll send er ur way!!

i LOVE YOU to death woman!!! so so so proud of you;) keep taking your life to the next level girly
much love, Syd Sams
ps. take care of urself 4 me!!!