Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Plans

So My plans this year for Christmas, well on the 19th evening or 20th early.. EARLY morning with a dutch breakfast (LOL!) i'll be with my parents celebrating christmas Early, then i go back to work that coming monday for 2 days then i go home the evening of the 2e day and then i go to scotland WAY EARLY the next morning! yeah.. FUN :D  im pretty excited! .. i just am kinda bummed i don't really have as many presents for my parents as i did like last year.. :( but hey hopefully they'll like it :)
anyway Scotland at Christmas time, im kinda wondering what its like :D im so excited! i cant wait to see Christina Either man.. good times :D, i cant believe its been 2 YEARS exactly by then!! haha like really EXACTLY lol!!
great stuff... 
well anyway i'll write if there's anything new!


love lizzie

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sometimes Days like these....

Sometimes Days like these Just.... suck.

Where Every Memory or Feeling you've ever had comes flooding back for no reason at all.
Makes you the same kind of homesick you've just gotten over..
The kind of feeling that you almost suffocate from because your aching for comfort.. and when you think of the things or people that would comfort you, they are the things and the people you miss the most. They are part of those memories...making you hurt even more..wanting everything you didn't have. Then scolding yourself because in Reality your actually very fortunate and many people would have never had these sorts opportunities, as i have. That's when you gotta start thinking of all the blessings you have, the friends you have made and the memories you have created and are Creating, later in life you'll be craving those all the same..
this all comes down to change.
which is a good thing... but can hurt like nothing else. yet its the thing i crave the most, and also brings Pain with the good, something that you never truly can overcome...
This also comes down to keeping yourself busy and putting your focus on the things that really matter. helping your family, friends and people you love with actual help or even just being there for  them... which in the end makes you feel better all the same.. its true laughter is the best medicine..

change is good. you just need to see the best in it make the best of it. I wish I could have seen that when I was younger I would have spent more time making more memories than craving change or dwelling on the hurt. Change will come when its time to come. So Until then enjoy it because every moment you have & minute that goes by, you can't get back. Sure there'll be bad days and days when you feel like you just shattered, when you feel the band-aid on your heart has just been ripped off full force by some macho Sumo Wrestler...basically you'll feel dead...

but if having that feeling once in a while (taking in the bad with the good) Makes you see your blessings and Enjoy what you have then its worth it..dwell on the good rather than the bad. if you don't you just make life hard. Count Your Many Blessings.. i always hated that song ( no offense song writer) but i actually understand the meaning of that now.. more than i ever did..

I'm so thankful for the life I've had. 
The Things I've learned
The Person who I've Become and who I'm Trying to be.
The Blessings i've Recieved, even if I don't think I deserve them
I'm Thankful for all the people who have been in my life and who are still in my life.
Mainly my Family and My Closest Friends. Syd, Elvira..
you have no idea how much the good times we had/have gets me through tough times.
If I didn't have you to lean on, i don't know what i would be doing..
I'm also thankful for my friends that I've grown apart from.. that helped shape me, ..sure it hurts that it's happened but it just makes me value the times we had even more. but there is a reason why you didn't make it to my future. But thank you for being there for me when you were know i still care about you..

So rather than focusing on the bad in this Entry like i have continually in the past, I'm Determined to see the good from now on. there's no point in hurting even if you have a reason. sure being sad for a little while is ok its healthy it makes you see clearer when things get better. it makes you realize the blessings you have. but don't Sit there and Dwell on it. Make the Best Memories you can!

So Basically .. 

* Everything In Life Changes You In Someway. Even The Smallest Things
If You Do Not Accept These Changes, You Do Not Accept Yourself.
For Through These Changes Brings New & Greater Things To You.
Making You Wiser As Time Progresses.To Avoid These Changes Is A Loss.
You Only Live Life Once. 
Do Not Waste A Minute Of It Avoiding Things let Them Come To You And Learn From Them.
There Is Always Tomorrow. *

Life is Great.

--Love Lizzie

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The NutCracker

ok so Monday i went with wisse ( i forgot to tell you all about this!) i went with wisse's class to go see the dress rehearsal of the Nutcracker OH MY GOSH. it was amazing! seriously i was totally in awe, no joke.

im so amazed by the music and by the dancers that they are capable of doing that! they have such talent.. i could have totally just sat there and watched and listened to it forever.. 

'' List of things I want to do before I die # 2''

-- Serve a Mission
-- Learn how to skate board because its just awesome
-- Learn how to play Soccer, because lately it looks really fun
-- Go see a Ballet play thingy again.
-- Join the Military.. ( still thinking about this one)
-- Learn to dance different types of dances :D

ok yeah i probably have some of these on my last list but who cares lol...

anyway i still need to go see the twilight movie! mom pop and i are goin probably not this weekend but next. :) im pretty excited about it :D

ok anyway im gonna go shower :D 

love lizzie :D

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

& Such

Ok so a couple of nights ago we Celebrated Sinterklaas here. I'm not gonna explain what that is because the people who might be reading this already know lol, Anyway it was way fun! ''Sinterklaas'' got me a phone holder thingy that can hook on my belt loop LOL Because I'm a klutz lol.   No for real.   And I got a book and a Family Planner so I can keep track of everything this coming year, Two Candle holders with battery light up candles :D ''Pretty awesome you say?''  yes.  yes it is :) I'm Glad that Heleen & Arjen & the kids liked their presents ''Sinterklaas'' Gave them :) lol, yeah the youngest is learning to read now, so i can't be to careful. (haha im not even sure if i said that right) 

This week onto Next week Heleen and Arjen are going to Chicago to visit her brother which means the kids & I are gonna be together all weekend MUAHHAHAHA! jk lol I'm pretty happy lately they've all been really really good so its fun to play games and just hang out with them :) This coming Monday I'm Havin the Elder and Sister Missionaries from Amsterdam (4 elders 4 sisters) come and eat here. hahahaha NO IDEA what im gonna cook... its probably gonna be some spaghetti or what not lol.. i just hope it wont burn lol. thats all im goin for lol. 

Sunday the whole day basically after church i Went with Sister Warren and Sister Copenga to do some missionary stuff it was fun :) freeezzzing but fun. :), 

There was this one lady. wow she was kinda .. Crazy lol. We were  tractin' or whatever its called and she opened the door she was like '' not interested I believe in myself'' bla bla bla, anywho, then she like slammed the door shut but the next door was like half a foot away (as they sometimes are here) and i guess she thought we were still standing in front of her door for the jolly fun of it lol because she opened back up the door and like screamed ok not screamed Raised her OH WAIT!! LOL LOL!!!  when she was locking her door again LOL!! she was like singing this song just with some made up tune bein like '' I believe in myself, only myself,myself, myself, i believe in .. etc)lol it reminded me of Kronk in the Emperors new groove and how Kuzgo was like '' oh great he's got his own theme song'' lol yeah but it was pretty funny.... THEN back to my thing, she raised her voice to us and was like '' I believe in myself!! and then she attempted to shut the door again when she was like ''I trust no one! '' Rot op!'' which i dont know how to translate that in english but it means like back off or go away...lol then she closed the door only to open it again to say '' there is no god! why do i only have two years to left to live? '' but honestly you can tell she was totally makin it up because of the constant opening and closing of the door is a beg for attention it was insane seriously im a gullible person and even i could tell she was totally not bein truthful with that statement. then when she slammed  the door for the last time she like hit it hard from the inside lol it made sister warren and i jump lol. and poor sister warren she's only been here for a week and a half and doesn't really understand dutch LOL FREAKY seriously that woman was crazy, anyways, then we rang her doorbell again, and Ran off.

 .. lol ok no we didn't but it did come across my mind lol.. ..no, we had an answer to her question but  then we walked further when she wasn't answerin and we saw her ''escaping'' out her back door onto her bike.. muttering some dumb thing the minute she noticed us lol.  ODD
SOooooo I found this Place that gives SWING DANCE LESSONS! I am SO excited! I'm soo gonna do it! The new thing starts on the 7th of January :D Every Wednesday Night from 7- 8, its only like 10 minutes by bike from where i live :) insanely awesome or what?! im pretty darn excited! you know how cool swing dancing is??!!

 --just about as cool as ninja's. 

  In A couple weeks im Heading out to Scotland to visit Christina :D YAY! haven't seen her for  2 years exactly by then! haha weird!, and i thought it was freezin here! she said its even colder there...

in two weeks im goin to mom and pops and were gonna celebrate christmas thingy a little bit earlier because of me goin to scotland.. haven't seen mom and pop for about a month wow.

MAN IT IS MIGHTY COLD  no joke i am freezing. but my new coat is awesome :D
anywhooo.. in whosville..you's ville, do what?..... Remind me of the babe, i saw my baby cryin hard as babe could cry,... ok yeah no idea how that came about. But seriously thats EXACTLY how it went in my head when i said anywho.. just lettin ya have a little insight lol. ODD.
           ok yeah i dont really have much to say.. except that things have been pretty busy just workin and such, church is goin great im kinda gettin to know the ward here made some friends, gonna talk with the bishop soon at least he said something like that sunday but it was kinda noisy lol... and i have to clean up my room.. wow.. mess. 
           ok yeah im gonna go before you all get bored from reading my blog HAHA unless ur like that already haha :P
goodnight :)


Thursday, December 4, 2008


So i ran about 3 maybe 4 miles yesterday. ok not the whole way but like more than half of that so probably about 2 1/2 miles i ran of that maybe 3 i was pretty surprised i could LOL, its crazy! i guess the bike has done me some good :) anyway im gonna go running every other day, the whole having breath doesn't seem a problem for me only the pain in my shins lol. but thats ok i gotta just get past that and i could probably keep it up the whole way :D im pretty excited about it :)
anyway im going to scotland in a couple weeks! YAY! im pretty happy to see Christina again its been like 2 years exactly almost when i will see her, since i saw her :) Crazy :)
OH AND the Twilight MOVIE is out here in the Netherlands TODAY  :D awesomeness. :) im gonna go see if the tickets are sold out.. probably are dang it. oh well i got time :) anywho, im gonna go get some gifts for my bosses and the kids and people :) 
(londa, when are u gonna make another blog?)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Things That Made Me Smile today :)

Elvira even though i haven't talked to her at all today lol
replying to londa's letter :)
basically everything today

today has been a great day i woke up in the best mood ever its insane haha!
 and ALL of the laundry is done as in zero things left that needs to be washed im pretty happy about that AND i just have iron 1 shirt :D pretty amazing.
its almost weekend! 
tomorrow i can sleep in YAY! :D
i love this job its a nice job, the hours are really nice and the family is Awesome :)
i dont know really what else  to write right now  things might seem pretty boring reading this haha, oh Thijs and i made some pictures, and i colored my hair chocolate brown lol...its ok :) Heleen really likes it :)
haha thijs is so funny lol, just the little things he says cracks me up haha, like a while back he was sitting on my foot wanting me to walk and when he did he was like '' koala bear in action!'' LOL i was laughing SOOOOO hard, and when he was helpin me sort out socks and all the ones that didn't have a match he was like, '' and this goes by the lost and found lol in dutch it was funny because you say '' gevonden voorwerpen'' lol, yeah.. and when i went in to put his underwear in his drawer while he was in his bed goin to sleep he was like '' you just come stormin in here huh?! like a THIEF! lol i was laughing soooo hard!!! it was pretty funny that kid cracks me up. they're all great kids, wisse's been goin around collecting money to give  to the red cross, it was his own idea and he's got his whole school involved now, over the past two days they collected over 200 euros i'm pretty proud of him :) anyway i'll have to upload the pictures later because its going to slow right now, 
i'll keep ya all updated :)


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

uh oh..

lol yeah i probably shouldn't go shopping with money lol. 
anyway i went to go look for some arm/legwarmers for londa on the Dappermarkt but they didn't have any i guess they only have some in Rotterdam..
anyway but i did end up buying 5 argyle lookin sweater things 5 euro each.. and pair of boots for 15, a blouse for under the sweaters for 6 and leg warmers for 6 that u can put over the boots. yeah and some lunch, and  thats it.. oh and 2 meters of material..........dont ask me why, it was cheap.
so anyway londa i'll go to the one in Rotterdam next time im there and get ya some. in a way this is really sad.. like 60 euro sad. but at least i dont need to buy those things anymore.. 
oh and i got my new coat its beautiful i love it lol.
and i brought the old lady parfume back and such
i just hope Christina knows to pick me up... her phone is broke i think. and well she's hardly online but i do have it set as my msn name when and where to pick me up and i asked her friend to tell her. so she should.. if not i guess i'll just havea nice vacation alone in Scotland but hey that gives me time to go graveyard lookin for londa :) which would actually be fun :D
anyway im gonna go sleep i couldn't even wake up hardly this morning. 
(lol and londa i like ur blog haha! )

Monday, November 17, 2008


SOO i got my coat and its perfect.. which means i have  to return the other one lol that i bought thinking oh i like this one too, but no, the other one in the mail was AWESOMELY AWESOME. anyway im so excited to be goin to Scotland for Christmas i hope Christina knows when to pick me up lol. anywho, so i decided to really prepare for a mission even though its like 2 years away i dont care its better sooner than later right? i dunno i just feel kinda happy when i think about it. hm.. whatelse i haven't written in a while.. hmm.. ok not much but i'll keep ya updated.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


yeah im going to return it. for sure i smell like an 80 year old woman. awesome.
that and the fact im gettin sick from it im thinking no more smells. ever lol. i'll just stick with the good old nice shampoo smell or body wash.

old lady Parfume

sooo i bought some parfume and im not sure if its an old lady perfum and i know i cant spell perfume lol. shut it lol, soo its the narciso rodriguez for her parfume. and well it smelled different in the store for some reason anyway i bought it. and i think im gonna return it... hey michelle if u've smelt it what do u think? i was also thinking about the Miracle one or the ultra Violet but the ultra violet was an pretty unique smell and i was like.. hmm... not sure..anyway.. lol maybe u can go sniff parfumes for me and tell me which one i should get lol. jk... ugh LIGHT HEADED! wow. lol. anywho...im gonna go try to get my head from spinnin lol

Monday, November 10, 2008


ok yeah so i woke up this morning and felt that i had been kinda judgemental about everything in yesterdays entry (and yes Michelle that WAS before i read your e-mail thing) 
i think i was just pissed at everything yesterday lately every things sorta gettin on my nerves but i guess i gotta learn to control it.
yeah.. i guess the twilight series isn't that bad.. i mean it could be better but hey..
anyway yeah and the whole workshop in the church thing.. maybe some ppl needed it.. i guess i was just kinda disappointed after finally being prepared from the beginning of  the week and finding out it was  that. I'm sure it was good for some ppl...
anyway so today we all thought Thijs had logopodie but turns out its next week, oh and wisse's lamp hit him in the lip it was bleeding like crazy yesterday and his top lip is like huge now.
and i have to go organize my closet.  and finish breaking dawn. lol
anyway i just wanted to apologize if i offended anyone yesterday. sorry

Thursday, November 6, 2008


ok so it is FREEZING. so bad that i didn't feel like going outside. lol so i bought a coat online from H&M and it'll be here half of november lol. i think i can survive another week with hoodies and a flimsy jacket. anyway its a Navy Blue coat with buttons up the front.. kinda like the one michelle gave me.. ok maybe exactly i dunno. anyway i hope it fits... we'll see.. i did loose a ton of weight.. they also had grey.. but i think i like blue better.. even though i can wear more sjaal colors with grey.. hmm.. oh well. anyway i also bought : BREAKING DAWN!  it should be here in 2-4 days :D i cant wait! anyway im gonna go get ready, haha im so lazy i still have my glasses on and everything. which is weird that its started to annoy me not getting ready in the morning. i used to be able to wear my Pajamas ALLL day long but lately i just have to get ready.. well i guess thats a good thing.. i mean i can't go through life in  Pj pants and an overly huge T-shirt lol. anywho, so i have to make dinner tonight for like 7 ppl.. arjens sister is comin and well.. i just hope it turns out good and that ill stop burning everything. lol its sad. oh and i have to choose an opleiding to study too.. so i've been thinking i meani would love to become a stewardess and such but that costs a ton unless i can get studentenfinanciering. or something. we'll see lol... but then i'd still need a VMBO diploma CURSE YOU ZPC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if only they would have given me a freakin diploma for sitting there for TWO YEARS learning NOTHING  but the language. GRR.. then i could do that no problem. ....idiots... anyway enough of the anger rampage im still tryin to teach myself math and such.. and learn things i WILL get into BYU. or a big University of some sort. anyhow i hope things will all go well.. ugh. ok time to go get changed. 


Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Future

Well, i've been thinking of what i want to do in my life.
and i decided that after workin where im workin, maybe i can do something.. like
go into the Military, the orientatie jaar get a diploma and such. it would be nice. then if i can get a diploma from a taking spanish or a certain corse or whatnot ( or a Spelling course..corse..curse..no thats not right lol.) anyway, then i would have 2 and therefore more of a better chance to get into college lol.
and i have been teachin myself math lol.
i learned how to divide a little bit.. infact im thinkin i might have already told you.

well im at Home this weekend and my parents are havin me clean out my room.. its kinda sad. never thought this day would come but hey im pretty excited and optimistic for the future. :)
i love bein 18 haha . . .so my room is about done.. it might take 1 more weekend though... just to finish it up and get the little things..

so im on my 5th or 6th ish week of readin the '' BOM '' every day :D although i did miss 1 day because of the institute day.. but they had some verses on the screen that i read during the lesson so... ok it doesn't count but it should. anyway im somewhere in mosiah. about abenidai ok lame i know i cant spell his name.. or anyones for that matter but you know who im talkin about, yeah its pretty interestin if you ask me. :)

ugh and come to think about it i have so much to catch up on to write in my journal... ah well there's tomorrow.

hmm what else... i wonder if i have to wash or... repaint over the tree i drew on my wall... yes i drew a tree if you me i prolly told ya i was pretty proud LOL i used crayons WOOHOO who DOESN'T wanna use crayons LOL ( lol i so have a comment for that but i wont say it cuz thats just mean lol...) hmm so i want to DRIVE i seriously just want to go hyjack a car and just take it for a drive.. but ofcourse EVERYTHIN is stick here so i wouldn't get to far haha.

anywhoo. i gotta go study some scripture stuff :D its pretty fun lol.
i can't wait to go on a mission. WHICH btw i learned somethin new about today but it'll take to long to type it so .no. lol.
oh and today is Elvira's birthday :D 17 :)
yes i do b-day shoutouts i guess.. not that many of you read my blog but you should. so. door vertellen about it. yeah i dunno what that is in english lol.

ok im gonna go before i start ramblin about awesomely fun nonsense.
OH there was a dance last night.. it was ok... thats about all there is about it.. that and the fact the ppl who organized it worked really hard jennifer is so nice, im glad she had a good time :)

alright gonna go,
i' shall write again soon. :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Today / Drawing of londa :)

Today is one of those days where i dont feel like doing anything lol.
but i gotta work and iron and such but thats ok, 
Anyway i drew one of my sisters LOL and well it didn't turn out like i wanted haha. but hey...does it ever haha :P yes londa i know i cant draw eyes LOL. 
anyway let me know what you all think ( btw her head is supposed to tilt to the left more. but i didn't have much time to draw...) sorry they're sideways i cant switch them on this comp. lol Londa if you recognize this you know where it was lol good times LOL(btw i drew this by lookin at a photo.)

with flash
londa im gonna send you the actual lol then you can look at it better when you have it in your hands plus you can have it cuz its you lol. well its supposed to be you i dont know if it LOOKS like you lol. (i cant get the other picture uploaded the one without the flash sorry)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


ok MATH sucks. i dont get it. at all. well i DID learn how to add/ subtract/ multiply positive and negative numbers like the rules of that what and what makes a positive etc. i just have to study it to remember it. and i tried teaching myself to Divide but its going to crap.

*meanwhile- wisse and Arjen come upstairs and to make a long story short arjen shows me how they used to do it in school and BAM i understand division awesomely. only with like smallish numbers like two didgets under the bar thing.

so im practiceing and maybe it'll get better :)

Thats it! I've had ENOUGH!

OK i have had enough about not being able to do things!!
I'm Tired of Feeling inadequate to everything!!!
that's it.

I'm gonna study hard, 
learn everything even if i have to learn from 8Th grade again
I will pass my GED test, SAT test and ACT tests.(if i can take the SAT's and ACT's... dunno i have to check that out)

and then i WILL get into BYU.
that's it. 
Failure is not an option.
I've Had Enough of feeling under Educated, Unintelligent, and just plain not good enough.
so I'm gonna teach myself, and get into a Real college
none of this Beroeps Opleiding crap
i want to do this. i have to do this.
not doing it is not an option anymore.

Wish me luck!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

This Past Weekend

HAHA ok lets just say FUN

soo it was an institute day right, yeah well anyway after a couple hours of driving we got to Apeldorn :)
anyway, so we had this lesson thingy from this older missionary couple from belgium and such they're american anyway it was pretty good.. only i got kinda ticked when he was like '' dont Bail out and go to america'' i was like. .. ..''what?.(!)''.. so anyway besides bein ticked about that the rest of the day was really fun, i Talked with Alwin and such.. i cant believe he burned a hole in his engine... that poor poor beautiful. fast car. i loved it. anyway so when the dance started we (Vanessa Emma Alwin, and I) went to this snackbar thingy and got some milkshakes lol..and had a conversation with the guy workin  there.
    then we went back to the dance.. and then THIS was awesome lol there was a carnival caramus whatever thingy goin on down the .. ok like a ton of streets but it wasn't that far. and well i never been to one so00 we went there a few minutes later it wasn't very big and stuff i think his name is Michael he joined also, it was  pretty fun,we got back when  the day/ dance thingy was ending lol. but hey it was really fun. and if you dont get the fun outta this then you just had to have been there lol. then LOL on the way home ok it took forever but i dont mind i was all hyped up hyperly on sugar lol. that was after the guy hit the front blinker light and jonathan tried to chase him down but he was to fast. and so we had to stop at the gas station it was like 2:30 in the morning and wait for  the police and such to come check it out. (meanwhile i went in the store and bought some sugary goodness stuff lol aka banana thingy's and other thingys.) so i couldn't sleep for like a half an hour after i got home just cuz i was wide awake. 
but yeah the whole day saturday was way fun. no worries about anything. just dieing in the car when jonathan was drivin LOL. (Alwin is a great driver so im not worried at all with him.)
but yeah anyway i got to make some new friends and such which is pretty awesome. you probably think i dont get out much haha ( and your prolly right) but its the little unexpected fun things that make  things fun. :) 
oh and YSA camp Vanessa Micheal Alwin and i (did catherina come too i cant remember) went at like 3 in the morning to this turkse pizza place haha that was fun too lol.

but yeah im tryin to type fast so im not puttin much thought into how i write the storie(s) and all lol. oh well you get what i mean. oh and sunday was Tylers Farewell, his talk/ speach thingy was really really good. i can't believe he's goin on a mission.. time goes by SOOO fast. we might as well enjoy every minute of it. :)

25 :)
Happy birthday again :) 

oh its also Grandpa's birthday :) i dunno how old he's turnin....

oh and other good news i paid EVERYone their stuff back so im pretty proud that i can start saving now for things!!!! :D

ok im gonna go
i'll write later :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Plans/Schedules & To-Do's

So i figured out all how im gonna pay everyone back :) and how to save/spend my money.
so thats good :) im not gonna put it on here cuz  thats kinda dumb. 

but now my To-Do list:

1.) The Rest of the Laundry
2.) Iron
3.) Dishwasher
4.) Re-Organize boy's Closets
5.) Go buy some bread for Tomorrow for the boys and such.
6.) Bring Thijs to Janne's at 15:00

--Talk to my bosses and figure everythin' out.

my to bring from home list:

-- Sweaters
-- Jeans
-- My Blankets
-- My Books (?)
-- My DVD's
-- My Pillow!!!! --  i miss it lol
-- CD's
-- some other thingy's that i'll see and be like ''OHH..this too''

To Buy:

Lindy a Belated b-day gift.
Jessica a Belated b-day gift.
Elvira a b-day gift.
Train korting (discount) kaart? ( have to talk 'bout that) 50 Euro
Retour Ticket to Scotland and back.(figure out exactly when) to visit Christina. 60-80 Euro (+/-)

things not to forget to do!!!:

Give Tyler his Farewell Present thingy on sunday.
Read the Relief Society Lesson.
Do November ZHV Newsletter. for my Dordrecht branch.
keep up my scripture thingy (goin on 3 weeks straight readin every way :) sunday it will be 3 weeks i've done it :D yay!)
Switch my Records to the Amsterdam Ward.
flippin change my playlist gosh im sick of that music already. lol

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Living in Amsterdam

So i Made my Decision if i were to stay or Return to Dordrecht and through a lot of thinking and everything i have decided to stay with this family in Amsterdam. thats making a long story short. im glad that the stress of choosing is over now. although i do feel about letting Jasmijn and her Family down and breaking my promise. i just wish i could please everybody...

well it's been almost 3 weeks of reading my Scriptures everyday and well i gotta tell ya its really actually fun! i love it! im getting into such good habits here! and i cant wait to start a course of some sort. im thinking spanish but we'll see.

anyway this blog's gonna be short because i promised myself i would go to bed early!
well Goodnight

Sunday, October 19, 2008


So I decided awhile back that I want a ton of kids
not that I'm like '' oh yay kids'' that I love them, but I dunno anyway I want a big family. I love having a big family now and I want my kids to have the same opportunity to enjoy family as I do :)

This isn't for everyone its more for my own family.

So if My Sisters & My Brother are reading this;

(Nicole, Rachel, Michelle, Yolanda, Shonda & Ray)

I really appreciate that we're all a Family.
I hope that this coming year we can be closer.. 
I miss everyone there but I'm pretty well adjusted to being far away..
I just hope you all know how much you mean to me and yeah ok this might seem kinda cheesy but its true
I really enjoy us all being family and I hope sometime soon we can all be together again and see each-other again. I enjoy your company when your around or when I'm around you.
I know I'm the youngest but I hope that even though I am, that this means something to you as it does to me.. I've Recently learned that Family Is what matters in life, and It's something some people don't have. We should value each other.
I just want you to know that I really do love you all and care about you more than I thought was possible... 
I know I don't know some of you as well as I do like Michelle and stuff, but I hope that will change and that we can become a closer family.
in the past Few months I've Learned that enjoying someone and seein' their strong qualities and good qualities instead of mistakes they make and/or have made, makes you a stronger person yourself and a more optimistic person. I've also learned that when something would usually offend me or usually tick me off, I can choose to take offence from it or not. I learned that if I let things slide and choose not to let things offend me life is a lot less dramatic and stressful.
Thanks for (even though sometimes I probably tick you off) always being there for me if I ever need you. 
I know I'm Still young and I'm Still learning but I hope I can learn things from you (like spelling lol)....... (and math) and that I can help you the way you have helped me now and in the past. even if its just being a Sister or a Brother to me.

Love Elisabeth

CHurch & Highlights

So today was my first time going to the Amsterdam Ward by myself
and i gotta say I LOVED IT. People came up and  introduced themselves and welcomed me it was really nice! and the lady who showed me around turned out to be my Past Young Womens President (when i was in Capelle) sister! she is so nice! and there are actually quite a few Americans in the ward as well, an older couple ok their not old their like in their late 40's i think and then there is this young couple who just moved here from BYU and they've only been married 2 months! they moved here about a month ago, but they're american, and then there is this other lady she is here for work she works something with a telefoon company so there are like 5 other americans which is nice. everyone was so nice and  the lessons were good i enjoyed it :) well this Saturday is a Institute day in Apeldorn so im gonna be headin' there and then the day after is Tylers or Elders Koppe's  farewell he's leavin on a mission to London, he seems very well prepared. (btw it was Tylers mom who was my yw's president and his aunt is the one who showed me around in church today haha, she's also the bishops wife :) oh and her other sister another aunt from tyler was also my yw camp leader :))  but yeah this next weekend is gonna be very busy. then the week after that there's a seasons dance here in Amsterdam so that'll be fun :)
anyway i'm here in this big house alone lol..
the family isn't back yet i dunno where they went so i think im just gonna go watch a movie or whatnot . 
btw im pretty happy with my weight now! i hardly have love handles HAHA lol jk but its goin great its awesome feeling more in shape! 

OHHHHH wait.
so i went and got highlights to make a long story short:
the lady screwed up and they are orangeish blonde. awesome. so i paid her 10 euro's less and gave no tip obviously. but i guess its ok.. its fall after all.. i can look like a pumpkin...oh well i just should avoid colors like.. yellow and orange.. and white..ok maybe i  can still do white. but i dunno oh WELL it doesn't matter lol hair grows.. only mine is remarkably slow! lol elvira was laughin at me! which made the situation lighter so thats  good.

OH haha and another thing today i walked to church and well its about 15/ 20 mins away walking, and so i wasn't about to walk in my heels all the way there. so i was wearing a nice purple shirt that i just bought my nice black knee height skirt and tennis shoes lol i got some pretty  awesome looks but i did bring heels with me for church so.. :) and it was a good thing i actually read the lesson in advance because i got more out of it than i usually do. at least in this relief society there are younger people closer to my age. although i did have some huge Dordrecht with-drawls lol i did miss my own little branch back home. but hey we'll see.

ok i'll write again later :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Habits

So for the Past week and a half :)
I've gotten in the habit of Reading my Scriptures everyday :D 
I'm almost done with second Nephi :) as in 3 chapters away.
its pretty awesome. i think that the Concern that the people who wrote it have for us in these days is just really cool and shows how not only important it is the message they're giving but how much they care. and its always nice to know someone cares.

and i cant believe its been almost a week since i last wrote.
well nothin' really exciting has been happening, but I DID buy a new dress thing 
and a shirt, they're pretty nice :)
i don't really know what to write.. 
oh yeah well this sunday will be my first Sunday in the Amsterdam ward at least going there lol I'm not transferring or moving my files.
but Amsterdam is pretty cool :) its been fairly good weather last week. and part of this one.
oh well i'll keep ya updated :)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Lady Bugs Attack!

yeah so the other day as in Yesterday there was this invasion. i about died when i saw it. the pictures don't do the moment justice. anyway the pics are pretty much self explanitory. i tried to fling, blow and tick them away but they kept flying back in bringing more friends. so we got the bug spray it was sad. but yes very freaky experience i seriously only had my doors open for like 15 minutes then i turned around and BAM!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Wonderful Cooking Skills.

Yeah so i can't cook. 
my kids (when i have them) are gonna end up starving. 
its sad. 
i cant even make Simple things. 
i mean i try i do what the box and the bag tells me to do but NOoo. 
it ends up to be a huge mess.. 
yeah. even the 12 year old around here can cook WAY better than me. 
its really really sad. REALLY. anyway. so the first Disaster was pancakes.. the second.. i cant even remember because there have been so many... 
i gotta do something about this. lol. 

anyway im pretty good at doin cereal.. and Sandwiches..  

no but seriously.. this has gotten beyond pathetic.

Friday, October 3, 2008

''A Spooky Spider?''

there was a spider. 
a HUGE spider. 
Heleen found it when she moved Wisse's Soccer bag.. she told me its a big spider but i didn't expect it to be as in thickness i thought like maybe just longer legs.. 
OH, no. it was big as in thickness. and it was black. which makes it even more of a spider like thing. (in a non racial way). 
today i also saw a black cat... AND a lady in a purple coat.          (lol)
yep Halloween is definitely coming that's for sure. 
anyway when i saw the spider i about died. i went downstairs lol. then it started going into my room. Fokke had to come and kill it.. .. .. .. .. 
that's about it but it was a pretty big deal.
 i couldn't even pick it up when it was dead because of the legs all hanging out.... ew. 
and ew as in a half frightened ew. (from the spider in general AND it being dead.(do spiders have tongues?...because i was just thinking.. if it they do.. his was probably hanging out....) ) but yes. today has been a pretty eventful day. 

Ended up

So Basically i Ended up Buying the Movie ''Sydney White'' instead of a sweater LOL. 
its a pretty funny movie i was laughin' pretty hard, And i also went out today to find out where in the world i am lol, i found everything i wanted to BUT  the trainstation so i think it went pretty well considering this was ALL in high heels im so proud haha lol jk, no but im suprised i didn't die with my clumsyness and all.. i am pretty clumsy.. other than that im loveing  Amsterdam! today it didn't rain much just sprinkles but you dont really want a weather report, so the Family here is REALLY nice i like them a lot they're really cool :) i can understand why michelle misses them. (oh and no michelle they don't have your bike anymore it got stolen.... and we were laughin about haudgie lol)(i dunno how to spell his name but you know who i mean) anywho im plannin on goin home this weekend only im gonna suprise mom and pop, i told them i probably wasn't coming. so whoever reads this DONT TELL MOM lol or pop... ok well im gonna go relax the first hours of my weekend. :) yay! hope you all are doin great :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


ug... i think im getting the flu ..again. i just had it two weeks ago. it seems everyone here has it. oh well at least i'll loose weight again haha,:p 
anyway so far Amsterdam is fun :)
i dont know if i'll be going home this weekend or not but it all depends on if i get to know my surroundings and find the trainstation haha :P Heleen gave me a map now all i need to do is learn to read it lol. improve on my map skills lol.
it is so cold over here it has been rainin like none other since the day i came its crazy!
my plans for tomorrow: 

go figure out my surroundings.. if not get lost lol.
Make Pictures For Michelle of the Boy's
go buy another sweater? 
go buy some tylenol or something clever lol.

yeah there's nothing really more to write, thijs and his friend here are coloring here in my room and watching Barnyard lol. and their all excited cuz tonight were eatin Pizza LOL
well i'll keep ya all upated and hopefully i can get to General conference in Rotterdam thats always super fun seein everyone again:) :D cant wait!

Monday, September 29, 2008

First day working in Amsterdam

so today was my first day here working in Amsterdam and surprisingly enough i wasnt nervous at all :) which is great :) because usually im a klutz when im nervous infact i was in an extremely good mood because of the suprising myself that iwasn't nervous.. ok so later on i got a tiny bit nervous but i didn't brake anything so thats cool :) anyway im dead tierd so i goin tobed tomorrow or thursday were gonna make pictures and stuff, one of the kids fokke is at camp until then so we'll make them then.

well goodnight :)


so its 7;30 in the morning i have to finish packing at be outta here by 9:30
but instead if getting the bus at 9:30 im just gonna go with pop cuz he has to work in Dordrecht at 10..( only he doesn't know im going with him yet LOL)
so i;'ll be sitting at the trainstation for 2 hours with my suitcase thing. fun.
i'll just have to bring a book or what not.
anyway im not that nervous anymore..
oh just remembered i have to go fold my laundry
well i'll keep ya updated about bein in Amsterdam :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Glitter Graphics
yep its Sunday again :) I know it says saturday which is retarded but it is sunday here.
Today I have to pack for my Nanny job in Amsterdam which is actually Michelle's old job, I'll work there until December and then I move on to Dordrecht as a nanny also, so it should be a couple interesting months..

oh and yesterday I got attacked by my razor lol... yes an awesome cut right up the side of my leg. i'm cursed I swear. it never fails.. this is my second worse cut lol its pretty amazing if you ask me. i don't know how it happens.. weird.

Anyway, i'm pretty Nervous about tomorrow meeting Heleen and stuff. I mean she's nice and stuff but I turn into a total klutz around them. really. its sad... I'll get over it. i'm also REALLY excited for the job in Decemeber! Pippi and Ole are soooooo fun! and I worked on my dutch for two days when I went for the meeloop days there, man.. I can speak it better than I thought I could at least. which is cool. I can't wait to practice it more with them and reading to them and everything Pippi is 5 and Ole is turning 4, they are so sweet! Pippi is such a girly girl i love it! i cant wait to be doing her hair and with ole he loves cars and tools, he kept asking their current au'pair if he could show me the basement even though he showed it to me already haha it was so cute, and Dordrecht has got to be one of the most hidden beautiful town/city .. we'll go with ''place'' i've ever seen! there's so much to it that i haven't noticed! and its a whole lot bigger than i thought too, and everything you need is right there! i will literally be living 2 minutes from TONS of shops! :D YAY! but considering i need to save up for my mission and other things i wont be shopping to much i don't think. i plan on saving from now on. and of course tithing..(which reminds me to give it to pop..)

oh and yay, my wisdom tooth thing only hurt for 3 days this time! ...unless i just cursed it and it will hurt again tomorrow. that would suck.. i always get this lisp when its tryin to come through again lol. mom laughed at me lol. it was great, oh and yesterday was My Parents 34th anniversary pop gave mom these pretty flowers yellow and blue.. i wanted to take a petal from each one just cuz they're pretty lol but i figure that wouldn't be very nice so i restrained myself.
I was thinking i should also make some more video's for syd in the coming months she'd like.. just thinkin out loud here. oh and i also just found out that the place called ''sundays'' is in fact, NOT a restaurant LOL .. its a tanning salon lol (in the center in dordrecht where i'll be 2 minutes from lol) which i wont go to often.. only when necessary in the summer... before i shatter peoples eye's out of their heads.. at least the sun doesn't reflect off me here like it did in las Vegas LOL .. that was tons of fun ...oh and HALLELUJAH mom and pop decided to turn on the heater lol. amazing. i thought it would never happen LOL. next week is gonna be a lot colder YAY i can wear scarves now! :D im forcing myself to not wear my winter clothes until its colder or else it wont do any good.

Next sunday is already General Conference! and i'll get to see all the Sister and Elder Missionarys again! they're so fun :) lots of them are from Utah and Arizona and Nevada and such, so thats cool :) the Mission president is really cool too i love it when he gives firesides the one he gave at YSA camp was AWESOME he talked about (not only but one of the things he did) president kimble's (i think it was him) thing about the 40 stakes in the Netherlands. which will be really cool i dont doubt it. there's a lot of people out there who need the gospel in their life only they don't know it yet.. its strange to think that we've all made the choice to come here and there are some people in the world who just dont want to make it the rest of the way.. oh well those are thoughts i still need to think out...

well i better charge my ipod for the train tomorrow.. which is by the way the best investment i ever made! ( the ipod not the train why would anyone invest in a train that's just dumb)

xx- Lizzie

My First Blog

Yay my first blog!

Well I guess to start out i'll write my list of things I want to do in my life. they're not really in order lol..

1. Go on a Road Trip
2. Go to a 50's Diner
3. Plan a Wedding
4. Do Charity work for Patch Adams.
5. Donate a kidney
6. Own a house
7. Own a sports car :D
8. Go to Cuba
9. See Easter Island
10. Go to Romania
11. Go to Athens Greece
12. Serve a Mission
13. Have a Temple Marriage
14. Have at least 5 kids
15. Backpack Europe
16. Learn Spanish
17. Learn Italian
18. Learn to play my guitar lol.
19. Get my drivers lisence
20. Make a cool road map book thing like in Elizabethtown
21. Learn how to snowboard
22. Test drive a Ferrari
23. Have a Family reunion
24. Go horse riding
25. Cook something--- (DID and ENDED HORRIBLY!!!!!!!!!!!)
26. Learn to Ice Skate
27. Learn how to thread my dumb sewing machine! LOL
28. learn to swing dance.
29. get down to 145 lbs. THAT would be awesome lol
30. have Sydni come out here.

anyway im on a ''quest'' to get down to 145 lbs. starting tomorrow :D yay! wish me luck lol
