Thursday, February 11, 2010

15 & other stuff

Alright well it's actually less than 15 now.. about 14 and a half lol.

This weekend the family is leaving for France for a week, i'm stayin the weekend to take care of the dog, then either sunday night or monday morning i'm headin over to mom and pop's house stayin till friday morning or Midday with them and be back again in the weekend to pick up the dog from Celeste (my bosses' friend :) ) so that'll be fun :)

I SO cannot wait until summer, seriously can we just skip spring and go straight to summer?
It is way to cold outside, it snowed yesterday about an inch.. then melted then snowed double that again. and now the sun is shining yay! (which i'm happy about because its shinin through my window, and im wearing a black shirt so i'm absorbin it like you wouldn't believe!) SUN has a HUGE effect on peoples moods. I never realized that before. I have never wanted it to be sunny outside so much in my life as I do now! because it has a HUGE effect on how I feel lately :)
I still love my job, it's goin good :) it feels good to be working, I love having responsibility and taking care of things..

OH yeah so about SCHOOL, I found this Wedding planner school thing, and I can do it at home which would be PERFECT.. my boss still kinda would rather have me to do nursing school, but since I didn't really hear anything back from them.. besides that, I want to develop my talents.. i've been told i'm creative, and I do like planning.. A LOT.
I'm always making lists, and charts and attempting to make things..and planning all these things, (like this whole '16 week plan' lol)
I think it would be really good for me. and it would keep me happy and busy, which I need. :) so I want to do that for sure. :) i'm actually really excited about that.. i'll tell Heleen and Arjen after their vacation that this is definitely what I want to do :)

OH good news! I found where I can watch Supernatural season 5 online i'm on Episode 6 haha yay!
just thought you'd like to know that :D

(londa you should hurry and watch 6 episodes of it, i'll wait, then we can watch it kinda at the same time :) oh my heck in episode 4 Castiel (i think it was 4) cracks me up hahaha :P you will Love it :D it's still pretty much amazing. :) )

SO I finally got all my stuff for Weight Watchers here, it's so different. I got a mini binder haha, and I think I was more excited about Decorating the thing than actually opening it and seeing what was inside, which was just the week tracker books and a food guide thing, and a couple other advice books, :) it's all adjusted to suit with the Dutch food :)
so it has like all the points for everything in one book, they don't have a slider thing to check how many points something is, everything that you can eat basically is marked down in that book so it's really easy :D they're doing a new program called Pro points :)

Alright so last week I weighed in, at 72,5 kilo's.. I feel like a cow,
and this week was 73,3 .. which is like a pound and a half gained.. of course this time I had jeans on last time I had sweat pants and I ate like it was my job in the weekend.... i'm pretty much a bottomless pit. And i'm not even joking.
When I got there EVERYONE knew me. it was insane! I didn't even meet anyone last week, I just met one of the coaches, yolanda. (not you yolanda, lol that was her name lol). I guess she told everyone about me and so I had a lot of people coming up to me and saying hi and introducing themselves, and of course every time I go to W.W. (pfft ''everytime'' haha i've been Twice.) I'm all energized and hyped up and totally in a motivated mood, 'cause I just got off my bike after getting there super fast, and knowin' I have to be back to put thijs in bed (which is kinda sad cuz I can't stay for the meeting.. ) oh and they don't call it a meeting, they call it an ''onder onsje'' in english its kinda like ''among us'', .. in a cozy sense, or under us , kinda like what happens in vegas stays in vegas.. lol..but.... only it's not like vegas at all.....
? .. yeah okay i can't explain it. if anyone know's how to feel free to lol.

ANYWAY so I found out that if i can lose a kilo (2.2 Lbs) a week, I will reach my weight goal by my birthday :D yay. I even made a chart for it but I wont type that up haha yeah i'm kinda sad like that..
alright thats pretty much it :)
i'll write again in 2 weeks (since i can't go to WW next week)

love lizzie