Friday, May 29, 2009

Waiting for my MRI results..and just stuff

still 29 minutes till the doctor should call me.. I'm more curious than anything else..with an edge of nervousness, im sure nothings wrong though. even if there is its probably not that bad...
anyway Wisse is hope from school today he hit his head on a pole in gym yesterday and still has a massive headache, and im gonna pack to go to Den Bosch tonight. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon because of the Wijk BBQ, and because OH i forgot to say something about this, i got another callin in church, im now called in the Nursery.. ( as if im not around kids enough LOL.. ) nah toddlers and such are really cute so i don't mind :) anyway i'll post up what the doctor says after he calls..

Friday, May 22, 2009

an addition:

lol ok when i say ''answers'' i can't refuse i ment Offers. Second, when i get my GED in the States in that time will equal me to be able to get on a higher Niveau here! and that gives me more Education options AND more intelligent nicer people to work with :D AND i will be able to drive :D which means getting a license here would be Easier after 6 months until its invalid here.
ok thats about it..

The Offer I Cannot Refuse LOL

          as you know I'm Planning on Going to America on the 7th of October, but most of you probably didn't know I bought a Return ticket for the 31st of December. well anyway i probably mentioned before that my Bosses want me to stay and were trying to convince me and Michelle was right. they started giving Answers i can't Refuse! like Letting me still go to America from October until December, While still paying me every week while I'm there. And paying for my Ticket. and if that isn't AWesome Enough, they are also Letting me go on a Trip for Patch Adams to Costa Rica!!!! Granted I was planning on going to the Romanian one first because it would be really cool with Family History, but Patch wouldn't be joining that trip, and they have ones going to Romania every year sometimes twice a year, but Patch doesn't always go on the trips, so this one felt really really good and awesome. and Heck i just looked up how much it would be to go to Romania and its like 150 euro and thats in summer. its pretty amazing. anyway Costa Rica in September for a week! in order for me to stay another year and 4 months after i get back from the States. i was like Are you SURE?! so it looks like I'll be Staying in the Netherlands until May 2011, aka My mission :D and what suprises me most is that im SUPER excited about it and it feels SO right. This will be the best year EVER. so September: 10th-17th Costa Rica, August 3rd-8th Jovo Camp Oct. 7th- December 31st America.
It's REALLY awesome. I'm so excited! and the Kids and Heleen and Arjen are too, Fokke gave me a hug too. it was pretty great :) I feel really good knowing where i'll be and not worrying about whats coming because I know :D

ok well any questions just ask me :D
--Love Lizzie

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

MRI Today

yep at 7:30 p.m... strange time lol, anyway im not as nervous as i was, cuz of the blessing i got. to bad this thing will make me miss Wijk Eten tonight, thats to bad..
LOL oh and i read the other paper that came with the folder, it tells me to bring pajama's or cotton clothes so thats good, i just hope that as the time gets closer i will stay calm or get calmer lol.. maybe i can ask for a sedative or curious if they have the inject me with that highlighter fluid stuff.. i hope i dont have to go all the way into the machine and if i do i hope its feet first.. the machine is only 1 meter long so..and it tells me to bring a CD to listen to or they can put on the radio, but i think i'll bring the CD Sister Owen gave me for my birthday  its the Called to Serve from the Tabernacle choir LOL ok i know its kinda cheesy but usually im not really into the Tabernacle choir at all but this one is surprisingly really good! that and the fact my other cds have gotten kinda old and boring..
oh well i'll let ya know how the MRI went when i get back its in about 10 hours.. 
Love lizzie

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Neurologist

Ok so this morning I went to the Neurologist to see what's up with my leg. When I got there, I went to the Inschrijf Balie. (the write in.. desk.. place) Anyway she was kinda rude, so after that I went upstairs to the Neurology place. a little while later a Doctor came and got me, I dont remember his name, but oh well, making a long story short he did some tests and said he couldn't find anything wrong, ( he's a pretty nice doctor) but that he thinks I could have something wrong with one of my discs or something like that so he set me up an appointment to go and get an MRI this Wednesday as in the day after tomorrow, at 7:30 p.m. so I went to his assistant and got the papers and a appointment reminder thing she was really nice too, and also set up an appointment when the doctor will call me and tell me the results which is on the 29th of may Friday.
so... im kinda nervous about the MRI in the information paper thing about the MRI it says ''U wordt Blootgesteld aan een Krachtige magnetisch veld... '' and so im kinda wondering if that means i dont get any special clothing.. or if that just means that i dont have anything protecting me from the magnetic fields goin on.. seriously though if i dont get to have clothing for that thing im not going.
but i'll ask mom and see if that is just a metaphor of some sort... lol
because i do have clothing without metal.... 
ok well there was a little update of the Doctors today :)
love lizzie :) i'll keep ya updated on wednesday evening too :)

Monday, May 11, 2009


So yesterday i had to give a talk lol, it was pretty awful.. anywho, so i went running today AND on the rowing machine im pretty proud of myself haha.. my bosses are trying to convince me to come back when my return ticket is scheduled for the 31st of december... lol.. what else OH lol hehehehehehe yesterday church was pretty good, besides my talk part lol, but if you wanna know about that just ask me :) oh and i went and saw ''he's just not that into you'' with duco, it was pretty good! i love it! only scarlet johanson is pretty retarded and has issues. i dont like her much. tonight im going to a family home evening with the sisters to this new american family's house. it should be fun :) and tomorrow im going on joint teach with the sisters, wednesday possibly huisbezoek, thursday im cutting/ coloring annika's hair :), and friday, maybe in the midday (or maybe not) will be goin to Angels and Demons aka davinci code 2 with Duco :) then after work is done, take the train to R'dam go to the dance there (which im hoping will not be boring..) then go home, next day have my Barbeque :D SWEET. I am actually cravin hamburgers right now!! then Sunday i am DUN DUN DUN  NINETEEN!  .. and then i have to go back to work.. OH and on the 18th is the Neurologist person for my leg(s) ish thing.. but lately i haven't had many issues with them..  theboys are free the 21st and 22, the 23rd is a Baptism which i plan on going to here in A'dam the 26th i go to Edward and Floor and go start babysitting for them every tuesday from then on. and the 30th is the awesomely awesome ward barbeque :) THAT im lookin forward too.

thats about all i got for ya.. my life is kind of boring so...
oh well. 
love lizzie.